Contacts endpoint

The /contacts endpoint allows you to manage your Notocat contacts. You can create, update, delete and list your contacts.


Before you proceed, make sure you have read the API Authentication documentation to learn how to get your API key.

How to find the Newsletter ID

You can get the newsletter ID from the URL of your newsletter page in Notocat. Open your newsletter from your dashboard and check the URL in your browser. The newsletter ID starts with wks_ and has 25 characters like in the picture below:

Noto settings

List contacts

Example request

curl "<newsletter_id>" \
  -X GET \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"

Request headers

AuthorizationstringBearer <token> required

Query parameters

newsletter_idstringThe newsletter ID required
limitnumberHow many contacts per page to return. Default is 100.
pagenumberThe current page. Default is 1.
emailstringUsed to search by email. The search is case-insensitive.
subscribedbooleanUsed to filter by subscription status.


Click to view a response sample
Successful response - 200 OK
	"data": [
			"id": "con_D6zCfeVDaAAT-b9dl9SIE",
			"workspace_id": "wks_Tj4fTx-GWT0kCkKc375tG",
			"name": "Noto",
			"first_name": "Noto",
			"last_name": "Cat",
			"email": "[email protected]",
			"subscribed": true,
			"unsub_token": "DwVf3KDpCeLqQTWADxulW",
			"createdAt": "2023-04-25T14:34:03.000Z",
			"updatedAt": "2023-04-25T15:30:28.000Z"
			"id": "con_VZJPm7NePiZ_rMNablrvJ",
			"workspace_id": "wks_Tj4fTx-GWT0kCkKc375tG",
			"name": "Raz",
			"first_name": "",
			"last_name": "",
			"email": "[email protected]",
			"subscribed": true,
			"unsub_token": "mYjH5tzwr2FKexOuhZruK",
			"createdAt": "2023-04-25T14:34:03.000Z",
			"updatedAt": "2023-04-25T14:34:19.000Z"
	"total": 2,
	"page": 1,
	"offset": 0

No contacts found - 404 Not Found
  "message": "No contacts found"

Invalid newsletter ID - 400 Bad request
  "message": "Invalid newsletter ID"

Create or update contacts in bulk

The endpoint can be used to create a full list of contacts with Notocat. If a contact already exists, the data will be merged. The contacts can be updated in bulk when provided with IDs or emails that already exist in the database. If the contact does not exist, it will be created with the email provided.

The endpoint accepts a minimum of 1 contact and a maximum of 1000 contacts.

Example request

curl "" \
  -X POST \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
  -d '{
	"newsletter_id": "wks_40LizbZv26Cu2jKbnoibN",
	"contacts": [
			"id": "con_D6zCfeVDaAAT-b9dl9SIE",
			"name": "Noto",
			"email": "[email protected]",
			"first_name": "Noto",
			"last_name": "Cat",
			"subscribed_from": "update"

Request headers

Acceptstringapplication/json required
Content-Typestringapplication/json required
AuthorizationstringBearer <token> required

Request body

newsletter_idstringThe newsletter ID required
contactsarrayAn array of 1-1000 contacts required
contacts[].idstringThe contact ID if the contact already exists in the database. Useful for bulk updates.
contacts[].emailstringThe contact email required
contacts[].namestringThe contact name
contacts[].first_namestringThe contact's first name
contacts[].last_namestringThe contact's last name
contacts[].subscribed_fromstringInformational field to help categorizing contacts later on.
contacts[].subscribedbooleanIf the contact is subscribed or not. Defaults to true.


Click to view a response sample
Successful response - 200 OK
  "synced": 1000

No contacts found - 404 Not Found
  "message": "No contacts found"

Invalid workspace ID - 400 Bad request
  "message": "Invalid workspace ID"

Update a contact

This endpoint can be used to update a single contact at a time by providing the contact ID. con_D6zCfeVDaAAT-b9dl9SIE is the contact ID in the example below.

Example request

curl "" \
  -X POST \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
  -d '{
	"newsletter_id": "wks_40LizbZv26Cu2jKbnoibN",
	"name": "Noto",
	"email": "[email protected]",
	"first_name": "Noto",
	"last_name": "Cat",
	"subscribed": true,
	"subscribed_from": "update"

Request headers

Acceptstringapplication/json required
Content-Typestringapplication/json required
AuthorizationstringBearer <token> required

Request body

newsletter_idstringThe newsletter ID required
contactsarrayAn array of 1-1000 contacts required
contacts[].emailstringThe contact email
contacts[].namestringThe contact name
contacts[].first_namestringThe contact's first name
contacts[].last_namestringThe contact's last name
contacts[].subscribed_fromstringInformational field to help categorizing contacts later on.
contacts[].subscribedbooleanIf the contact is subscribed or not. Defaults to true.


Click to view a response sample
Successful response - 200 OK
	"id": "con_D6zCfeVDaAAT-b9dl9SIE",
	"workspace_id": "wks_Tj4fTx-GWT0kCkKc375tG",
	"name": "Noto",
	"first_name": "Noto",
	"last_name": "Cat",
	"email": "[email protected]",
	"subscribed": true,
	"unsub_token": "DwVf3KDpCeLqQTWADxulW",
	"createdAt": "2023-04-25T14:34:03.000Z",
	"updatedAt": "2023-04-25T15:30:28.000Z"

No contacts found - 404 Not Found
	"error": "Contact not found"

400 Bad request
	"error": "You do not have access to this resource."

Delete contacts

This endpoint can be used to delete contacts from a workspace in bulk. This action is irreversible.


By default, the endpoint will only delete contacts that are not subscribed. If you want to delete all contacts, you can pass the subscribed query parameter with the value true.

Example request

curl "<newsletter_id>" \
	-H "Accept: application/json" \
	-H "Authorization : Bearer <token>" \

Request headers

Acceptstringapplication/json required
AuthorizationstringBearer <token> required

Query parameters

newsletter_idstringThe newsletter ID required
subscribedbooleanUsed to filter by subscription status.


Click to view a response sample
Successful response - 200 OK
	"contacts_removed": 1000

No contacts found - 404 Not Found
	"message": "No contacts found"

Invalid newsletter ID - 400 Bad request
	"message": "Invalid newsletter ID"
Last Updated:
Contributors: Razvan Ilin